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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Ralek Olmessa
26 participants

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Orike Jeu 26 Fév 2009, 20:17

des news un peu moins vagues a propos des montures ? quelles couleur ? que des tigre et elek ? le prix ?

Niveau réputation déblocage du concordat ? ligue des explorateurs ? nain de givre ?

Personnages Joués : Ta Gueule

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Malfëras Jeu 26 Fév 2009, 21:03

World Events

* Argent Tournament
o General
+ Argent Aspiration - Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming an Aspirant for your race's faction.
+ Argent Valor - Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming a Valiant for your race's faction.
+ Tilted! - Defeat another player in a mounted duel at the Argent Tournament.
+ It's Just A Flesh Wound - Unmask and defeat the Black Knight at the Argent Tournament.
o Alliance
+ Champion of Darnassus - Earn the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Exodar - Earn the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Gnomeregan - Earn the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Ironforge - Earn the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Stormwind - Earn the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of the Alliance - Earn the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
+ Exalted Champion of Darnassus - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Darnassus)
+ Exalted Champion of the Exodar - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of the Exodar)
+ Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Gnomeregan)
+ Exalted Champion of Ironforge - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Ironforge)
+ Exalted Champion of Stormwind - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Stormwind)
+ Exalted Champion of the Alliance - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
o Horde
+ Champion of Orgrimmar - Earn the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Sen'jin - Earn the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Silvermoon City - Earn the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of Thunder Bluff - Earn the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of the Undercity - Earn the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
+ Champion of the Horde - Earn the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament
+ Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Orgrimmar)
+ Exalted Champion of Sen'jin - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Sen'jin)
+ Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Silvermoon)
+ Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of Thunder Bluff)
+ Exalted Champion of the Undercity - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament. (Title Reward: of the Undercity)
+ Exalted Champion of the Horde - Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.* Spring Rabbit - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Spring Rabbit.
* Plump Turkey - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Plump Turkey.
* Teldrassil Sproutling - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Teldrassil Sproutling.
* Tirisfal Batling - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Tirisfal batling.
* Dun Morogh Cub - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Dun Morogh Cub.
* Durotar Scorpion - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Durotar scorpion.
* Alarming Clockbot - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Alarming Clockbot.
* Elwynn Lamb - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Elwynn lamb.
* Mulgore Hatchling - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Mulgore hatchling.
* Ammen Vale Lashling - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Ammen Vale lashling.
* Strand Crawler - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Darkspear Strand crawler.
* Enchanted Broom - Right Click to summon and dismiss your enchanted broom.
* Argent Squire - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Argent Crusade squire.
* Mechanopeep - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Mechanopeep.
* Argent Gruntling - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Argent Crusade gruntling.
* Curious Gorloc Hatchling - Right Click to call or shoo away a Curious Gorloc Hatchling.
* Curious Wolvar Pup - Right Click to call or shoo away a Curious Wolvar Pup.
* Gorloc Orphan - Right Click to summon and dismiss the orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week.
* Wolvar Orphan - Right Click to summon and dismiss the orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week.
* Murkimus the Gladiator - Right Click to summon and dismiss Murkimus the Gladiator.
* Sen'jin Fetish - Right Click to summon and dismiss your Sen'jin fetish.* Aquatic Riding Ray - Summons and dismisses an Aquatic Riding Ray. This is an aquatic mount.
* Swift Stormwind Steed - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Stormwind Steed. This is a very fast mount.
* Great Azuremyst Elekk - Summons and dismisses a rideable Great Azuremyst Elekk. This is a very fast mount.
* Swift Darnassian Mistsaber - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Darnassian Mistaber. This is a very fast mount.
* Swift Silvermoon Hawkstrider - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Silvermoon Hawkstrider. This is a very fast mount.
* Great Mulgore Kodo - Summons and dismisses a rideable Great Mulgore Kodo. This is a very fast mount.
* Turbostrider - Summons and dismisses a rideable Turbostrider. This is a very fast mount.
* Swift Ironforge Ram - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Ironforge Ram. This is a very fast mount.
* Swift Sen'jin Raptor - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Sen'jin Raptor. This is a very fast mount.
* Forsaken Warhorse - Summons and dismisses a rideable Forsaken Warhorse. This is a very fast mount.
* Swift Orgrimmar Wolf - Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Orgrimmar Wolf. This is a very fast mount.
* Mimiron's Head - Summons and dismisses a rideable mechanical gnome head. This is a very fast construction. This construction can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.

Une traduction approximative suffira Very Happy

Personnages Joués : N'a plus d'abonnement

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Khassim Al-Rakim Jeu 26 Fév 2009, 22:16

Bon sang, ils avaient fait des items qui ressemblaient à peu près à quelque chose dans le Northrend, et là ils recommencent avec leurs machins disco, c'est desespérant :p
Khassim Al-Rakim
Khassim Al-Rakim

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Ubalia Jeu 26 Fév 2009, 22:40

Autant, le rouge sang, l'énorme armure de space marine, et les gros guns, c'est "pure power", autant, le rose flashy, le vert dégueu, et les designs qu'on trouve sous acides, c'est "pure loose" =/

Personnages Joués : Schtroumpf Fhtagn

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Khassim Al-Rakim Jeu 26 Fév 2009, 23:09

Clair, les T2 par exemple puaient la classe tout en étant heroic fantasy bien badass, , les items de leveling 70-80 sentaient le sang et la sueur, mais là les mecs ont fait un voyage initiatique chez les Sporelins et nous ont pondu des horreurs :p
Khassim Al-Rakim
Khassim Al-Rakim

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Naxter Ven 27 Fév 2009, 00:47

Myssen/Hichem a écrit:Clair, les T2 par exemple puaient la classe tout en étant heroic fantasy bien badass



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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Khassim Al-Rakim Ven 27 Fév 2009, 09:35

1) Il n'y a que moi qui dit "wat." ici.
2) Bah oui, ils étaient classe tout en restant axé artistiquement sur du bottage de fesse à base de piquants rouges vifs :p
Khassim Al-Rakim
Khassim Al-Rakim

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Jaylini Ven 27 Fév 2009, 09:52

On reparle du coupe-pastèque violet des guerriers ?

Ou du cosplay dragon disco des chasseurs ?

Mais il est vrai que le palouf et le voleur, pour ne citer qu'eux, étaient particulièrement bien lotis.

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Arlequin Ven 27 Fév 2009, 09:57

Perso je suis fan du set démoniste. Il me fait irrésistiblement penser aux "créature" du film "le village" Smile

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Ubalia Ven 27 Fév 2009, 11:41

J'ai toujours détesté le T2 rogue perso =P
Pour moi les seules couleurs qui vont à un voleur, c'est gris, noir, bleu foncé, or, argent, c'est tout ! Na !

Personnages Joués : Schtroumpf Fhtagn

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RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil) - Page 4 Empty Re: RP et Patch 3.1 (spoil)

Message  Khassim Al-Rakim Ven 27 Fév 2009, 11:57

Jaylini a écrit:On reparle du coupe-pastèque violet des guerriers ?

Ou du cosplay dragon disco des chasseurs ?

C'était joli, comparé aux set Ulduar :p
Bien que la palme du mauvais goût soit attribuée à l'arme d'hast qui tombe sur Malygos, fou rire à chaque fois que je vois un chassou se balader avec la station Mir sur le dos
Khassim Al-Rakim
Khassim Al-Rakim

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Message  Contenu sponsorisé

Contenu sponsorisé

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